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Medical Imaging


Mayo Foundation -- Biomedical Imaging Resource

ANALYZE is a comprehensive software system which permits detailedinvestigation and evaluation of 3-D biomedical images. In addition,ANALYZE comprises a powerful visualization workshop for rapid prototypingof specific application packages. The software can be used with any 2-Dor 3-D imaging modality, including X-ray computed tomography,radionuclide emission tomography, ultrasound tomography, magneticresonance imaging, and both light and electron microscopy. The package isunique in its synergistic integration of fully interactive modules fordirect and efficient display, manipulation and measurement ofmultidimensional image data.The inclusion of a variety of interactive editing and quantitativemensuration tools significantly extends the usefulness of the software.One of the most versatile and powerful capabilities of ANALYZE isinteractive volume rendering. The module provides complete interactivespecification of angle of view, surface segmentation, cutting planes,transparency, illumination direction, a variety of shading models, andcolor of display surfaces.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Color workstation or monitor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3

Mayo Foundation -- Biomedical Imaging Resource
200 First St SW
Rochester, MN 55905
Phone: (507) 284-4937
Fax: (507) 284-1632